Medgar Evers at Farmingdale State
@ Farmingdale, NY
9/29/2015 at 7:20pm

Final 1 2 3 Score
Medgar Evers (0-14) 7 4 12 0
Farmingdale State (6-5) 25 25 25 3
Set: 1st  |  2nd  |  3rd
MEC -- 1st -- FSC
  MEC starters: Waldron, Kadeen; Chandler, Naomi; Anyanwu, Nneoma; Roberts, Kalifa; Hall, Laquada; Benjamin, Tiffany; libero Guance, Chavali.  
  FSC starters: Giacalone, Gina; Hickey, Christina; DeGraff, Katie; Brand, Nicole; Etersque, Stephanie; Wright, Barbara; libero Calderon, Francesca.  
1-0 [Waldron, Kadeen] Attack error by Hickey, Christina. Point MEC
[Waldron, Kadeen] Kill by Hickey, Christina (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 1-1
[Giacalone, Gina] Bad set by Chandler, Naomi. Point FSC 1-2
[Giacalone, Gina] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 1-3
2-3 [Giacalone, Gina] Attack error by Masson, Amanda. Point MEC
3-3 [Chandler, Naomi] Attack error by DeGraff, Katie. Point MEC
[Chandler, Naomi] Bad set by Waldron, Kadeen. Point FSC 3-4
  FSC subs: Cosgrave, Annie; Etersque, Stephanie.  
[Hickey, Christina] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 3-5
  MEC subs: Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe; Hall, Laquada.  
[Hickey, Christina] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 3-6
[Hickey, Christina] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 3-7
4-7 [Hickey, Christina] Service error. Point MEC
[Anyanwu, Nneoma] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie. Point FSC 4-8
[Calderon, Francesca] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 4-9
[Calderon, Francesca] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 4-10
[Calderon, Francesca] Ball handling error by Chandler, Naomi. Point FSC 4-11
[Calderon, Francesca] Service ace (Roberts, Kalifa). Point FSC 4-12
[Calderon, Francesca] Kill by Masson, Amanda (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 4-13
  Timeout Medgar Evers.  
[Calderon, Francesca] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 4-14
[Calderon, Francesca] Service ace (Roberts, Kalifa). Point FSC 4-15
[Calderon, Francesca] Service ace (Roberts, Kalifa). Point FSC 4-16
[Calderon, Francesca] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 4-17
5-17 [Calderon, Francesca] Service error. Point MEC
[Roberts, Kalifa] Kill by Wright, Barbara (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 5-18
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Roberts, Kalifa). Point FSC 5-19
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe). Point FSC 5-20
  Timeout Medgar Evers.  
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Roberts, Kalifa). Point FSC 5-21
[Masson, Amanda] Kill by Wright, Barbara (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 5-22
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (TEAM). Point FSC 5-23
[Masson, Amanda] Ball handling error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 5-24
6-24 [Masson, Amanda] Service error. Point MEC
  FSC subs: Brand, Nicole; Masson, Amanda.  
7-24 [Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe] Service ace (Wright, Barbara). Point MEC
[Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 7-25
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MEC -- 2nd -- FSC
  FSC starters: Giacalone, Gina; Etersque, Stephanie; Mielko, Elizabeth; DeGraff, Katie; Cosgrave, Annie; Wright, Barbara; libero Calderon, Francesca.  
  MEC starters: Waldron, Kadeen; Anyanwu, Nneoma; Roberts, Kalifa; Guance, Chavali; Benjamin, Tiffany; Chandler, Naomi.  
[Giacalone, Gina] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 0-1
[Giacalone, Gina] Service ace (Guance, Chavali). Point FSC 0-2
[Giacalone, Gina] Service ace (Guance, Chavali). Point FSC 0-3
1-3 [Giacalone, Gina] Attack error by DeGraff, Katie. Point MEC
[Waldron, Kadeen] Service error. Point FSC 1-4
[Etersque, Stephanie] Service ace (Chandler, Naomi). Point FSC 1-5
[Etersque, Stephanie] Service ace (Chandler, Naomi). Point FSC 1-6
[Etersque, Stephanie] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Calderon, Francesca). Point FSC 1-7
[Etersque, Stephanie] Attack error by Chandler, Naomi. Point FSC 1-8
[Etersque, Stephanie] Attack error by Chandler, Naomi. Point FSC 1-9
[Etersque, Stephanie] Service ace (Benjamin, Tiffany). Point FSC 1-10
[Etersque, Stephanie] Service ace (Chandler, Naomi). Point FSC 1-11
[Etersque, Stephanie] Service ace (Chandler, Naomi). Point FSC 1-12
[Etersque, Stephanie] Service ace (Chandler, Naomi). Point FSC 1-13
  Timeout Medgar Evers.  
2-13 [Etersque, Stephanie] Attack error by Cosgrave, Annie. Point MEC
[Anyanwu, Nneoma] Service error. Point FSC 2-14
[Calderon, Francesca] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 2-15
[Calderon, Francesca] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from DeGraff, Katie). Point FSC 2-16
[Calderon, Francesca] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 2-17
[Calderon, Francesca] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 2-18
3-18 [Calderon, Francesca] Service error. Point MEC
[Roberts, Kalifa] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Etersque, Stephanie). Point FSC 3-19
  FSC subs: Masson, Amanda; Giacalone, Gina.  
[DeGraff, Katie] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 3-20
[DeGraff, Katie] Service ace (Anyanwu, Nneoma). Point FSC 3-21
[DeGraff, Katie] Attack error by Benjamin, Tiffany. Point FSC 3-22
[DeGraff, Katie] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Masson, Amanda). Point FSC 3-23
[DeGraff, Katie] Service ace (Waldron, Kadeen). Point FSC 3-24
4-24 [DeGraff, Katie] Service error. Point MEC
[Guance, Chavali] Service error. Point FSC 4-25
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MEC -- 3rd -- FSC
  FSC starters: Cosgrave, Annie; Hickey, Christina; Masson, Amanda; Etersque, Stephanie; Brand, Nicole; Moran, Meaghan; libero Calderon, Francesca.  
  MEC starters: Chandler, Naomi; Guance, Chavali; Anyanwu, Nneoma; Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe; Roberts, Kalifa; Benjamin, Tiffany.  
[Chandler, Naomi] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Moran, Meaghan). Point FSC 0-1
[Cosgrave, Annie] Kill by Etersque, Stephanie (from Moran, Meaghan). Point FSC 0-2
1-2 [Cosgrave, Annie] Service error. Point MEC
  MEC subs: Hall, Laquada; Guance, Chavali.  
[Hall, Laquada] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 1-3
  FSC subs: Hickey, Christina; Mielko, Elizabeth.  
2-3 [Hickey, Christina] Service error. Point MEC
[Anyanwu, Nneoma] Kill by Masson, Amanda (from Calderon, Francesca). Point FSC 2-4
  FSC subs: DeGraff, Katie; Moran, Meaghan.  
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Hall, Laquada). Point FSC 2-5
[Masson, Amanda] Attack error by Roberts, Kalifa. Point FSC 2-6
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Hall, Laquada). Point FSC 2-7
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Hall, Laquada). Point FSC 2-8
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (TEAM). Point FSC 2-9
[Masson, Amanda] Kill by Etersque, Stephanie (from Masson, Amanda). Point FSC 2-10
3-10 [Masson, Amanda] Service error. Point MEC
  FSC subs: Giacalone, Gina; Masson, Amanda.  
  MEC subs: Guance, Chavali; Hall, Laquada.  
[Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe] Kill by DeGraff, Katie (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 3-11
4-11 [Etersque, Stephanie] Attack error by DeGraff, Katie. Point MEC
5-11 [Roberts, Kalifa] Attack error by Cosgrave, Annie. Point MEC
[Roberts, Kalifa] Kill by DeGraff, Katie (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 5-12
  Timeout Medgar Evers.  
6-12 [Calderon, Francesca] Service error. Point MEC
[Benjamin, Tiffany] Service error. Point FSC 6-13
  FSC subs: Masson, Amanda; Giacalone, Gina.  
7-13 [DeGraff, Katie] Service error. Point MEC
  FSC subs: Moran, Meaghan; DeGraff, Katie.  
[Chandler, Naomi] Kill by Cosgrave, Annie (from Moran, Meaghan). Point FSC 7-14
  MEC subs: Waldron, Kadeen; Anyanwu, Nneoma.  
[Cosgrave, Annie] Service ace (Roberts, Kalifa). Point FSC 7-15
8-15 [Cosgrave, Annie] Service error. Point MEC
  MEC subs: Hall, Laquada; Guance, Chavali.  
[Hall, Laquada] Kill by Mielko, Elizabeth (from Moran, Meaghan). Point FSC 8-16
  FSC subs: Hickey, Christina; Mielko, Elizabeth.  
9-16 [Hickey, Christina] Kill by Thomas-Bedeau, Chloe (from Benjamin, Tiffany). Point MEC
[Waldron, Kadeen] Kill by Etersque, Stephanie (from Moran, Meaghan). Point FSC 9-17
  FSC subs: DeGraff, Katie; Moran, Meaghan.  
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Hall, Laquada). Point FSC 9-18
[Masson, Amanda] Attack error by Chandler, Naomi. Point FSC 9-19
  MEC subs: Guance, Chavali; Hall, Laquada.  
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (TEAM). Point FSC 9-20
[Masson, Amanda] Service ace (Guance, Chavali). Point FSC 9-21
  MEC subs: Hall, Laquada; Guance, Chavali.  
10-21 [Masson, Amanda] Kill by Hall, Laquada (from Chandler, Naomi). Point MEC
  FSC subs: Giacalone, Gina; Masson, Amanda.  
[Hall, Laquada] Kill by Brand, Nicole (from Giacalone, Gina). Point FSC 10-22
[Etersque, Stephanie] Attack error by Benjamin, Tiffany (block by Brand, Nicole). Point FSC 10-23
11-23 [Etersque, Stephanie] Service error. Point MEC
[Roberts, Kalifa] Kill by Giacalone, Gina (from Calderon, Francesca). Point FSC 11-24
  FSC subs: Mielko, Elizabeth; Hickey, Christina.  
12-24 [Brand, Nicole] Service error. Point MEC
[Benjamin, Tiffany] Kill by Giacalone, Gina (from Etersque, Stephanie). Point FSC 12-25
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