2003 Outdoor Track and Field Recap
May 30, 2003

What this year's women's track team has lacked in size they have made up for in quality. With a squad of just 4 runners, they have combined to set two new school records; both in the same day. Both records were set only 6 1/2 minutes apart when Ashley Macomb, Meghann DeVito, Tashan Barclay and Diana Baxter won the sprint medley relay and the distance medley relay at the Stevens Tech Relays on April 26th. Each of them can now focus on their personal goals of trying to qualify for the ECAC Championships at Springfield College on May 15-16. Their last chance to qualify is this weekend at the St. Johns University Invitational.

To date, the men's team has four individuals who have qualified for the ECAC's: the 4 by 100 meter relay team of David Humphrey, Art Driscoll, Elloy Cassell, and Jason Hernandez qualified when they took 4th place at the Collegiate Track Conference Championships. This group also ran a good 4 by 100 at the Penn Relays with Jermaine Johnson running in place of David Humphrey, and also represented Farmingdale respectably in the 4 by 400 as well. And closing out his college track career in style was Rob Williams who claimed his eighth straight race walking championship out of eight in the CTC Championships.