Masanao Maruyama
Masanao Maruyama
Birth Date: 12/12/84
Height: 5'7
Weight: 150
Year: Jr.
Hometown: Yamanashi, Japan
High School: Sundai
Major: Management Technology

Masanao is a 2003 graduate of Sundai High School in Japan. He moved to New York in 2007 after attending a junior college in Hawaii. He is the son of Toshio Maruyama.

Junior Year -
Scoring Avg. - 77.9 (7 Rounds)
Low Round - 71 (Rd. 2 Skyline Championship)
Top 5's - 4
Wins - 2 (Yeshiva Invitational, T1 Polytechnic Inv.)
*Masa's 71 was the tournament low at the Skyline Conference Championship and the lowest round of any Farmingdale golfer in the fall season.

Sophomore Year -
Scoring Avg. - 80.5 (9 Rounds)
Low Round - 77 (3 Times)
Top 5's - 4
Wins - 1 (Dual-Match vs. Poly @ Bethpage Red)

Favorite Food: Beef

Favorite Movie: Godfather

Hobbies: Collecting DVD's, Watching sitcoms