Hudesman Leads Nassau to Victory, Farmingdale defeats St. Joe's
Sep 23, 2005

Nassau CC 320

Farmingdale State 340

St. Joseph's 348

@ Bethpage Blue -­ Par 72, 6638 yards

Freshman Oliver Hudesman shot a match low 76 leading Nassau CC past host Farmingdale State and St. Joseph's in a men's golf tri-match at Bethpage Blue. Freshman Tim Pellegrino (Wantagh, NY/Wantagh) posted an impressive 81 in the first match of his College career leading Farmingdale past rival St. Joseph's. St. Joseph's Kevin Jackson shot a team-best 79 for the Golden Eagles.

The Rams travel to Middle Island Country Club this Friday (9/30) to compete in a five-team match hosted by St. Joseph's.