Manhattanville Captures Skyline Golf Championship
Oct 5, 2004

Freshman John Greenwood posted a career best 7-over par 78 leading Manhattanville to their second consecutive Skyline Golf Championship held at Tall Grass Golf Course located in Shoreham, NY. Greenwood�s 78 earned him the individual championship while teammates Nikhil Kumar (80) and BJ Greaves (83) helped Manhattanville defeat second place Farmingdale State by six strokes. Jacob Henshel of King�s Point tied Kumar for second place individual with a round of 80. Farmingdale State was led by Rich Martin whose score of 82 tied Dan Rhodes of St. Joseph�s and Brian Flexor of Centenary for fourth place individual. King�s Point finished third followed by Centenary and Yeshiva.